$ curl -vvI https://gnupg.org * Rebuilt URL to: https://gnupg.org/ * Hostname was NOT found in DNS cache * Trying * Connected to gnupg.org ( port 443 (#0) * TLS 1.2 connection using TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA * Server certificate: gnupg.org * Server certificate: Gandi Standard SSL CA * Server certificate: UTN-USERFirst-Hardware > HEAD / HTTP/1.1 > User-Agent: curl/7.37.1 > Host: gnupg.org > Accept: */*
echo | openssl s_client -showcerts -servername gnupg.org -connect gnupg.org:443 2>/dev/null | openssl x509 -inform pem -noout -text
(请注意,“冗余” -servername
curl --insecure -v https://www.google.com 2>&1 | awk 'BEGIN { cert=0 } /^\* SSL connection/ { cert=1 } /^\*/ { if (cert) print }'
* SSL connection using TLS1.2 / ECDHE_RSA_AES_128_GCM_SHA256 * server certificate verification SKIPPED * server certificate status verification SKIPPED * common name: www.google.com (matched) * server certificate expiration date OK * server certificate activation date OK * certificate public key: RSA * certificate version: #3 * subject: C=US,ST=California,L=Mountain View,O=Google Inc,CN=www.google.com * start date: Wed, 24 May 2017 17:39:15 GMT * expire date: Wed, 16 Aug 2017 17:13:00 GMT * issuer: C=US,O=Google Inc,CN=Google Internet Authority G2 * compression: NULL * ALPN, server accepted to use http/1.1 * Connection #0 to host www.google.com left intact
openssl s_client -showcerts -connect gnupg.org:443
$ ./check_certificate_chain.py gnupg.org 443 >> Certificate Chain: [+]* OU=Domain Control Validated, OU=Gandi Standard SSL, CN=gnupg.org [+]** C=FR, O=GANDI SAS, CN=Gandi Standard SSL CA [+]*** C=US, ST=UT, L=Salt Lake City, O=The USERTRUST Network, OU=http://www.usertrust.com, CN=UTN-USERFirst-Hardware >> Certificate Information: ................................................................................ - [Subject]: OU=Domain Control Validated, OU=Gandi Standard SSL, CN=gnupg.org - [Issuer]: C=FR, O=GANDI SAS, CN=Gandi Standard SSL CA - [Valid from]: Mar 18 00:00:00 2014 GMT - [Valid until]: Mar 18 23:59:59 2016 GMT - [Authority]: Is not a CA - [Version]: 2 - [Serial No.]: 43845251655098616578492338727643475746 - [X.509 Extension Details]: -- [x509_authorityKeyIdentifier]: keyid:B6:A8:FF:A2:A8:2F:D0:A6:CD:4B:B1:68:F3:E7:50:10:31:A7:79:21
我喜欢这个,而不是像openssl的s_client这样一个以ssl为中心的cli工具,这个尝试只做大部分时间我们需要的工作。 当然,openssl更加灵活(也就是检查客户端,奇怪端口上的imaps等) – 但我并不总是需要这样做。
我为此使用了一个shell脚本。 这只是openssl命令的一个包装,使我无法记住语法。
$ ssl-cert-info --help Usage: ssl-cert-info [options] This shell script is a simple wrapper around the openssl binary. It uses s_client to get certificate information from remote hosts, or x509 for local certificate files. It can parse out some of the openssl output or just dump all of it as text. Options: --all-info Print all output, including boring things like Modulus and Exponent. --alt Print Subject Alternative Names. These will be typically be additional hostnames that the certificate is valid for. --cn Print commonName from Subject. This is typically the host for which the certificate was issued. --debug Print additional info that might be helpful when debugging this script. --end Print certificate expiration date. For additional functionality related to certificate expiration, take a look at this script: "http://prefetch.net/code/ssl-cert-check". --dates Print start and end dates of when the certificate is valid. --file Use a local certificate file for input. --help Print this help message. --host Fetch the certificate from this remote host. --issuer Print the certificate issuer. --most-info Print almost everything. Skip boring things like Modulus and Exponent. --option Pass any openssl option through to openssl to get its raw output. --port Use this port when conneting to remote host. If ommitted, port defaults to 443. --subject Print the certificate Subject -- typically address and org name. Examples: 1. Print a list of all hostnames that the certificate used by amazon.com is valid for. ssl-cert-info --host amazon.com --alt DNS:uedata.amazon.com DNS:amazon.com DNS:amzn.com DNS:www.amzn.com DNS:www.amazon.com 2. Print issuer of certificate used by smtp.gmail.com. Fetch certficate info over port 465. ssl-cert-info --host smtp.gmail.com --port 465 --issuer issuer= countryName = US organizationName = Google Inc commonName = Google Internet Authority G2 3. Print valid dates for the certificate, using a local file as the source of certificate data. Dates are formatted using the date command and display time in your local timezone instead of GMT. ssl-cert-info --file /path/to/file.crt --dates valid from: 2014-02-04 16:00:00 PST valid till: 2017-02-04 15:59:59 PST 4. Print certificate serial number. This script doesn't have a special option to parse out the serial number, so will use the generic --option flag to pass '-serial' through to openssl. ssl-cert-info --host gmail.com --option -serial serial=4BF004B4DDC9C2F8
你可以在这里获得脚本: http : //giantdorks.org/alain/shell-script-to-check-ssl-certificate-info-like-expiration-date-and-subject/
nmap -p 443 --script ssl-cert gnupg.org
-p 443
指定仅扫描端口443。 所有端口将被扫描,如果省略,将显示find的任何SSL服务的证书详细信息。 --script ssl-cert
脚本。 从文档中,这个脚本“(r)检索一个服务器的SSL证书,关于证书打印的信息量取决于详细程度。
Starting Nmap 7.40 ( https://nmap.org ) at 2017-11-01 13:35 PDT Nmap scan report for gnupg.org ( Host is up (0.16s latency). Other addresses for gnupg.org (not scanned): (null) rDNS record for www.gnupg.org PORT STATE SERVICE 443/tcp open https | ssl-cert: Subject: commonName=gnupg.org | Subject Alternative Name: DNS:gnupg.org, DNS:www.gnupg.org | Issuer: commonName=Gandi Standard SSL CA 2/organizationName=Gandi/stateOrProvinceName=Paris/countryName=FR | Public Key type: rsa | Public Key bits: 2048 | Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption | Not valid before: 2015-12-21T00:00:00 | Not valid after: 2018-03-19T23:59:59 | MD5: c3a7 e0ed 388f 87cb ec7f fd3e 71f2 1c3e |_SHA-1: 5196 ecf5 7aed 139f a511 735b bfb5 7534 df63 41ba Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 2.31 seconds
function Retrieve-ServerCertFromSocket ($hostname, $port=443, $SNIHeader, [switch]$FailWithoutTrust) { if (!$SNIHeader) { $SNIHeader = $hostname } $cert = $null try { $tcpclient = new-object System.Net.Sockets.tcpclient $tcpclient.Connect($hostname,$port) #Authenticate with SSL if (!$FailWithoutTrust) { $sslstream = new-object System.Net.Security.SslStream -ArgumentList $tcpclient.GetStream(),$false, {$true} } else { $sslstream = new-object System.Net.Security.SslStream -ArgumentList $tcpclient.GetStream(),$false } $sslstream.AuthenticateAsClient($SNIHeader) $cert = [System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2]($sslstream.remotecertificate) } catch { throw "Failed to retrieve remote certificate from $hostname`:$port because $_" } finally { #cleanup if ($sslStream) {$sslstream.close()} if ($tcpclient) {$tcpclient.close()} } return $cert }
#Save to file and open Retrieve-ServerCertFromSocket www.wrish.com 443 | Export-Certificate -FilePath C:\temp\test.cer ; start c:\temp\test.cer #Display the cert details Retrieve-ServerCertFromSocket www.wrish.com 443 | fl subject,*not*,Thumb*,ser*
nmap -sV -sC google.com -p 443