逻辑卷属性 – 关于位的查询

以下是RedHat 6.5框中的lvs输出:

 # lvs lvopt vgroot -wi-ao---- 10.00g 


 The lv_attr bits are: 1 Volume type: (m)irrored, (M)irrored without initial sync, (o)rigin, (O)rigin with merging snapshot, (r)aid, (R)aid without initial sync, (s)napshot, merging (S)napshot, (p)vmove, (v)irtual, mirror or raid (i)mage, mirror or raid (I)mage out-of-sync, mirror (l)og device, under (c)onversion, thin (V)olume, (t)hin pool, (T)hin pool data, raid or thin pool m(e)tadata 2 Permissions: (w)riteable, (r)ead-only, (R)ead-only activation of non-read-only volume 3 Allocation policy: (a)nywhere, (c)ontiguous, (i)nherited, c(l)ing, (n)ormal This is capitalised if the volume is currently locked against allocation changes, for example during pvmove(8). 4 fixed (m)inor 5 State: (a)ctive, (s)uspended, (I)nvalid snapshot, invalid (S)uspended snapshot, snapshot (m)erge failed, suspended snapshot (M)erge failed, mapped (d)evice present without tables, mapped device present with (i)nactive table 6 device (o)pen Target type: (m)irror, (r)aid, (s)napshot, (t)hin, (u)nknown, (v)irtual. This groups logical volumes related to the same kernel target together. So, for example, mirror images, mirror logs as well as mirrors themselves appear as (m) if they use the original device-mapper mirror kernel driver; whereas the raid equivalents using the md raid kernel driver all appear as (r). Snapshots using the original device-mapper driver appear as (s); whereas snapshots of thin volumes using the new thin provisioning driver appear as (t). 8 Newly-allocated data blocks are overwritten with blocks of (z)eroes before use. 9 (p)artial: One or more of the Physical Volumes this Logical Volume uses is missing from the system. 



  1. 卷types的位?
  2. 分配政策?

  • 为什么没有第7和第10位的文档?
  • 如果第8和第9位是空白,意味着什么?