
这是在具有4个虚拟内核的Hyper-V虚拟机中运行的SQL Server 2008 R2。

任务pipe理器报告sqlservr.exe使用至less50%的CPU,有时100分钟。 I / O非常低。 “活动监视器”中列出的“最近的昂贵查询”最高报告范围为100 ms / s,逻辑读取数据的数字也很低。 线程数似乎没有问题(大约120开放连接大约180,其中很less运行)。



更新 :好像我通过分析一个简短的未经过滤的SQL跟踪来发现问题。 一个被后台服务重复调用的存储过程发出了一个遭受典型“参数嗅探”问题的SELECT语句。 解决这个问题后,CPU使用率下降。



机会就在那里(至less如果它超过了某些指标[见下文]),但工具只显示语句。 其余的由pipe理员决定。 这是一个非常小的工具(活动监视器),可以用来快速浏览和看看事情是怎样的。 就我个人而言,由于简约的本质,我不会使用它,尽pipe它只是想快速检查时有用。

为了更好地解决您的问题,有可能这些陈述不在“最近昂贵的查询”部分。 为什么? 下面是SSMS用来确定信息的代码,你可以看到硬编码值是什么是“昂贵”的随机猜测。

 CREATE PROC #am_get_querystats AS BEGIN -- Set @N to the number of queries to capture by each ordering metric. Since there are seven different metrics, -- if N=10, you will get a minimum of 10 query plans (if the top 20 are the same for all metrics) and a max of 70 -- queries (if the five sets of 10 queries are all disjoint sets). Actually, the query returns 'plan fingerprint' -- stats, not plan stats. DECLARE @N int; SET @N = 20; SET NOCOUNT ON; -- Step 1: Capture a snapshot of (cumulative) query stats and store it in #temp_fingerprint_stats IF OBJECT_ID ('tempdb..#temp_fingerprint_stats') IS NOT NULL BEGIN DROP TABLE #temp_fingerprint_stats; END; -- Get timestamp of current snapshot DECLARE @current_collection_time datetime; SET @current_collection_time = GETDATE(); -- This CTE returns a unified view of the query stats for both in-progress queries (from sys.dm_exec_requests) -- and completed queries (from sys.dm_exec_query_stats). WITH merged_query_stats AS ( SELECT [sql_handle], statement_start_offset, statement_end_offset, plan_generation_num, [plan_handle], query_hash AS query_fingerprint, query_plan_hash AS plan_fingerprint, creation_time, last_execution_time, execution_count, total_worker_time / 1000 AS total_worker_time_ms, min_worker_time / 1000 AS min_worker_time_ms, max_worker_time / 1000 AS max_worker_time_ms, total_physical_reads, min_physical_reads, max_physical_reads, total_logical_writes, min_logical_writes, max_logical_writes, total_logical_reads, min_logical_reads, max_logical_reads, total_clr_time, min_clr_time, max_clr_time, total_elapsed_time / 1000 AS total_elapsed_time_ms, min_elapsed_time / 1000 AS min_elapsed_time_ms, max_elapsed_time / 1000 AS max_elapsed_time_ms, total_elapsed_time / 1000 AS total_completed_execution_time_ms FROM sys.dm_exec_query_stats AS q -- To reduce the number of rows that we have to deal with in later queries, filter out any very old rows WHERE q.last_execution_time > DATEADD (hour, -4, GETDATE()) -- The UNIONed query below is a workaround for VSTS #91422, sys.dm_exec_query_stats does not reflect stats for in-progress queries. UNION ALL SELECT [sql_handle], statement_start_offset, statement_end_offset, NULL AS plan_generation_num, plan_handle, query_hash AS query_fingerprint, query_plan_hash AS plan_fingerprint, start_time AS creation_time, start_time AS last_execution_time, 0 AS execution_count, cpu_time AS total_worker_time_ms, NULL AS min_worker_time_ms, -- min should not be influenced by in-progress queries cpu_time AS max_worker_time_ms, reads AS total_physical_reads, NULL AS min_physical_reads, -- min should not be influenced by in-progress queries reads AS max_physical_reads, writes AS total_logical_writes, NULL AS min_logical_writes, -- min should not be influenced by in-progress queries writes AS max_logical_writes, logical_reads AS total_logical_reads, NULL AS min_logical_reads, -- min should not be influenced by in-progress queries logical_reads AS max_logical_reads, NULL AS total_clr_time, -- CLR time is not available in dm_exec_requests NULL AS min_clr_time, -- CLR time is not available in dm_exec_requests NULL AS max_clr_time, -- CLR time is not available in dm_exec_requests total_elapsed_time AS total_elapsed_time_ms, NULL AS min_elapsed_time_ms, -- min should not be influenced by in-progress queries total_elapsed_time AS max_elapsed_time_ms, NULL AS total_completed_execution_time_ms FROM sys.dm_exec_requests AS r WHERE [sql_handle] IS NOT NULL -- Don't attempt to collect stats for very brief in-progress requests; the active statement -- will likely have changed by the time that we harvest query text, in the next query AND DATEDIFF (second, r.start_time, @current_collection_time) > 1 ) -- Insert the fingerprint stats into a temp table. SQL isn't always able to produce a good estimate of the amount of -- memory that the upcoming sorts (for ROW_NUMER()) will need because of lack of accurate stats on DMVs. Staging the -- data in a temp table allows the memory cost of the sort operations to be more accurate, which avoids unnecessary -- spilling to tempdb. SELECT fingerprint_stats.*, example_plan.sample_sql_handle, example_plan.sample_plan_handle, example_plan.sample_statement_start_offset, example_plan.sample_statement_end_offset INTO #temp_fingerprint_stats FROM -- Calculate plan fingerprint stats by grouping the query stats by plan fingerprint ( SELECT mqs.query_fingerprint, mqs.plan_fingerprint, -- The same plan could be returned by both dm_exec_query_stats and dm_exec_requests -- count distinct plan -- handles only COUNT(DISTINCT plan_handle) AS plan_count, MIN (mqs.creation_time) AS creation_time, MAX (mqs.last_execution_time) AS last_execution_time, SUM (mqs.execution_count) AS execution_count, SUM (mqs.total_worker_time_ms) AS total_worker_time_ms, MIN (mqs.min_worker_time_ms) AS min_worker_time_ms, MAX (mqs.max_worker_time_ms) AS max_worker_time_ms, SUM (mqs.total_physical_reads) AS total_physical_reads, MIN (mqs.min_physical_reads) AS min_physical_reads, MAX (mqs.max_physical_reads) AS max_physical_reads, SUM (mqs.total_logical_writes) AS total_logical_writes, MIN (mqs.min_logical_writes) AS min_logical_writes, MAX (mqs.max_logical_writes) AS max_logical_writes, SUM (mqs.total_logical_reads) AS total_logical_reads, MIN (mqs.min_logical_reads) AS min_logical_reads, MAX (mqs.max_logical_reads) AS max_logical_reads, SUM (mqs.total_clr_time) AS total_clr_time, MIN (mqs.min_clr_time) AS min_clr_time, MAX (mqs.max_clr_time) AS max_clr_time, SUM (mqs.total_elapsed_time_ms) AS total_elapsed_time_ms, MIN (mqs.min_elapsed_time_ms) AS min_elapsed_time_ms, MAX (mqs.max_elapsed_time_ms) AS max_elapsed_time_ms, SUM (mqs.total_completed_execution_time_ms) AS total_completed_execution_time_ms FROM merged_query_stats AS mqs GROUP BY mqs.query_fingerprint, mqs.plan_fingerprint ) AS fingerprint_stats INNER JOIN ( -- This query assigns a unique row identifier to each plan that has the same fingerprint -- we'll -- select each fingerprint's 'Plan #1' (the earliest example that's still in cache) to use as a sample plan -- for the fingerprint. Later (in the outer query's WHERE clause) we'll filter out all but the first plan, -- and use that one to get a valid sql_handle/plan_handle. SELECT *, ROW_NUMBER() OVER ( PARTITION BY plan_fingerprint ORDER BY creation_time ) AS plan_instance_number FROM ( SELECT query_hash AS query_fingerprint, query_plan_hash AS plan_fingerprint, qs.[sql_handle] AS sample_sql_handle, qs.plan_handle AS sample_plan_handle, qs.statement_start_offset AS sample_statement_start_offset, qs.statement_end_offset AS sample_statement_end_offset, qs.creation_time FROM sys.dm_exec_query_stats AS qs -- To get a sample plan for in-progress queries, we need to look in dm_exec_requests, too UNION ALL SELECT query_hash AS query_fingerprint, query_plan_hash AS plan_fingerprint, r.[sql_handle] AS sample_sql_handle, r.plan_handle AS sample_plan_handle, r.statement_start_offset AS sample_statement_start_offset, r.statement_end_offset AS sample_statement_end_offset, r.start_time AS creation_time FROM sys.dm_exec_requests AS r ) AS all_plans_numbered ) AS example_plan ON example_plan.query_fingerprint = fingerprint_stats.query_fingerprint AND example_plan.plan_fingerprint = fingerprint_stats.plan_fingerprint -- To improve perf of the next query, filter out plan fingerprints that aren't very interesting according to any of our -- perf metrics. Note that our most frequent allowed execution rate for this script is one execution every 15 seconds, -- so, for example, a plan that is executed 50 times in a 15+ second time interval will qualify for further processing. WHERE plan_instance_number = 1 AND (fingerprint_stats.total_worker_time_ms > 500 -- 500 ms cumulative CPU time OR fingerprint_stats.execution_count > 50 -- 50 executions OR fingerprint_stats.total_physical_reads > 50 -- 50 cumulative physical reads OR fingerprint_stats.total_logical_reads > 5000 -- 5,000 cumulative logical reads OR fingerprint_stats.total_logical_writes > 50 -- 50 cumulative logical writes OR fingerprint_stats.total_elapsed_time_ms > 5000) -- 5 seconds cumulative execution time -- SQL doesn't always have good stats on DMVs, and as a result it may select a loop join-based plan w/the -- sys.dm_exec_query_stats DMV as the inner table. The DMVs don't have indexes that would support efficient -- loop joins, and will commonly have a large enough number of rows that unindexed loop joins will be an -- unattractive option. Given this, we gain much better worst-case perf with minimal cost to best-case perf -- by prohibiting loop joins via this hint. OPTION (HASH JOIN, MERGE JOIN); -- Step 2: Rank the plan fingerprints by CPU use, execution count, etc and store the results in #am_fingerprint_stats_snapshots -- Now we have the stats for all plan fingerprints. Return only the top N by each of our perf metrics. -- The reason we need a derived table here is because SQL disallows the direct use of ROW_NUMBER() -- in a WHERE clause, yet we need to filter based on the row number (rank). INSERT INTO #am_fingerprint_stats_snapshots SELECT @current_collection_time AS collection_time, ranked_fingerprint_stats.*, batch_text.text AS batch_text, plan_info.dbname FROM ( SELECT *, -- Rank the fingerprints by each of our perf metrics ROW_NUMBER () OVER (ORDER BY plan_count DESC) AS plan_count_rank, ROW_NUMBER () OVER (ORDER BY total_worker_time_ms DESC) AS cpu_rank, ROW_NUMBER () OVER (ORDER BY total_physical_reads DESC) AS physical_reads_rank, ROW_NUMBER () OVER (ORDER BY total_logical_reads DESC) AS logical_reads_rank, ROW_NUMBER () OVER (ORDER BY total_logical_writes DESC) AS logical_writes_rank, ROW_NUMBER () OVER (ORDER BY max_elapsed_time_ms DESC) AS max_duration_rank, ROW_NUMBER () OVER (ORDER BY execution_count DESC) AS execution_count_rank FROM #temp_fingerprint_stats ) AS ranked_fingerprint_stats -- Get the query text OUTER APPLY sys.dm_exec_sql_text (sample_sql_handle) AS batch_text OUTER APPLY (SELECT DB_NAME(CONVERT(int, value)) AS dbname FROM sys.dm_exec_plan_attributes(sample_plan_handle) WHERE attribute='dbid') AS plan_info WHERE cpu_rank <= @N OR logical_writes_rank <= @N OR physical_reads_rank <= @N OR max_duration_rank <= @N OR execution_count_rank <= @N OR plan_count_rank <= @N; -- Step 3: Calculate the delta since the prior snapshot, and return the fingerprint stats for the just-completed time interval -- Get timestamp of previous snapshot DECLARE @previous_collection_time datetime; SELECT TOP 1 @previous_collection_time = collection_time FROM #am_fingerprint_stats_snapshots WHERE collection_time < @current_collection_time ORDER BY collection_time DESC; -- Subtract prior stats from current stats to get stats for this time interval -- -- In this query, the expression below represents 'interval duration'. If we do find the plan in the prior snapshot, we use -- [current_snapshot_time - prior_snapshot_time] to calculate the interval duration. If we don't find the plan fingerprint in -- the prior snapshot (either because this is the first snapshot, or because this is the first time this plan has shown up in -- our TOP N), and if the plan has been around since before our prior snapshot, we amortize its execution cost over the plan -- lifetime. -- -- DATEDIFF (second, -- CASE -- WHEN (prev_stats.plan_fingerprint IS NULL AND cur_stats.creation_time < @previous_collection_time) -- THEN cur_stats.creation_time -- ELSE @previous_collection_time -- END, -- @current_collection_time) -- -- The purpose of this is to avoid the assumption that all execution stats for a 'new' query plan occurred within the just- -- completed time interval. It also allows us to show some execution stats immediately after the first snapshot, rather than -- waiting until the second snapshot. WITH interval_fingerprint_stats AS ( SELECT cur_stats.batch_text, SUBSTRING ( cur_stats.batch_text, (cur_stats.sample_statement_start_offset/2) + 1, ( ( CASE cur_stats.sample_statement_end_offset WHEN -1 THEN DATALENGTH(cur_stats.batch_text) WHEN 0 THEN DATALENGTH(cur_stats.batch_text) ELSE cur_stats.sample_statement_end_offset END - cur_stats.sample_statement_start_offset )/2 ) + 1 ) AS statement_text, -- If we don't have a prior snapshot, and if the plan has been around since before the start of the interval, -- amortize the cost of the query over its lifetime so that we don't make the (typically incorrect) assumption -- that the cost was all accumulated within the just-completed interval. CASE WHEN DATEDIFF (second, CASE WHEN (@previous_collection_time IS NULL) OR (prev_stats.plan_fingerprint IS NULL AND cur_stats.creation_time < @previous_collection_time) THEN cur_stats.creation_time ELSE @previous_collection_time END, @current_collection_time) > 0 THEN DATEDIFF (second, CASE WHEN (@previous_collection_time IS NULL) OR (prev_stats.plan_fingerprint IS NULL AND cur_stats.creation_time < @previous_collection_time) THEN cur_stats.creation_time ELSE @previous_collection_time END, @current_collection_time) ELSE 1 -- protect from divide by zero END AS interval_duration_sec, cur_stats.query_fingerprint, cur_stats.plan_fingerprint, cur_stats.sample_sql_handle, cur_stats.sample_plan_handle, cur_stats.sample_statement_start_offset, cur_stats.sample_statement_end_offset, cur_stats.plan_count, -- If a plan is removed from cache, then reinserted, it is possible for it to seem to have negative cost. The -- CASE statements below handle this scenario. CASE WHEN (cur_stats.execution_count - ISNULL (prev_stats.execution_count, 0)) < 0 THEN cur_stats.execution_count ELSE (cur_stats.execution_count - ISNULL (prev_stats.execution_count, 0)) END AS interval_executions, cur_stats.execution_count AS total_executions, CASE WHEN (cur_stats.total_worker_time_ms - ISNULL (prev_stats.total_worker_time_ms, 0)) < 0 THEN cur_stats.total_worker_time_ms ELSE (cur_stats.total_worker_time_ms - ISNULL (prev_stats.total_worker_time_ms, 0)) END AS interval_cpu_ms, CASE WHEN (cur_stats.total_physical_reads - ISNULL (prev_stats.total_physical_reads, 0)) < 0 THEN cur_stats.total_physical_reads ELSE (cur_stats.total_physical_reads - ISNULL (prev_stats.total_physical_reads, 0)) END AS interval_physical_reads, CASE WHEN (cur_stats.total_logical_writes - ISNULL (prev_stats.total_logical_writes, 0)) < 0 THEN cur_stats.total_logical_writes ELSE (cur_stats.total_logical_writes - ISNULL (prev_stats.total_logical_writes, 0)) END AS interval_logical_writes, CASE WHEN (cur_stats.total_logical_reads - ISNULL (prev_stats.total_logical_reads, 0)) < 0 THEN cur_stats.total_logical_reads ELSE (cur_stats.total_logical_reads - ISNULL (prev_stats.total_logical_reads, 0)) END AS interval_logical_reads, CASE WHEN (cur_stats.total_elapsed_time_ms - ISNULL (prev_stats.total_elapsed_time_ms, 0)) < 0 THEN cur_stats.total_elapsed_time_ms ELSE (cur_stats.total_elapsed_time_ms - ISNULL (prev_stats.total_elapsed_time_ms, 0)) END AS interval_elapsed_time_ms, cur_stats.total_completed_execution_time_ms AS total_completed_execution_time_ms, cur_stats.dbname FROM #am_fingerprint_stats_snapshots AS cur_stats LEFT OUTER JOIN #am_fingerprint_stats_snapshots AS prev_stats ON prev_stats.collection_time = @previous_collection_time AND prev_stats.plan_fingerprint = cur_stats.plan_fingerprint AND prev_stats.query_fingerprint = cur_stats.query_fingerprint WHERE cur_stats.collection_time = @current_collection_time ) SELECT SUBSTRING (statement_text, 1, 200) AS [Query], /* Begin hidden grid columns */ statement_text, -- We must convert these to a hex string representation because they will be stored in a DataGridView, which can't -- handle binary cell values (assumes anything binary is an image) master.dbo.fn_varbintohexstr(query_fingerprint) AS query_fingerprint, master.dbo.fn_varbintohexstr(plan_fingerprint) AS plan_fingerprint, master.dbo.fn_varbintohexstr(sample_sql_handle) AS sample_sql_handle, master.dbo.fn_varbintohexstr(sample_plan_handle) AS sample_plan_handle, sample_statement_start_offset, sample_statement_end_offset, /* End hidden grid columns */ interval_executions * 60 / interval_duration_sec AS [Executions/min], interval_cpu_ms / interval_duration_sec AS [CPU (ms/sec)], interval_physical_reads / interval_duration_sec AS [Physical Reads/sec], interval_logical_writes / interval_duration_sec AS [Logical Writes/sec], interval_logical_reads / interval_duration_sec AS [Logical Reads/sec], CASE total_executions WHEN 0 THEN 0 ELSE total_completed_execution_time_ms / total_executions END AS [Average Duration (ms)], plan_count AS [Plan Count], dbname AS [Database Name] FROM interval_fingerprint_stats; -- Step 4: Delete all but the most recent snapshot; we no longer need any older data DELETE FROM #am_fingerprint_stats_snapshots WHERE collection_time != @current_collection_time; END 

你将能够看到不同的假设和过滤完成。 我不能说,如果你的“查询”正在触及这些假设或被过滤出来,但是这应该让你更好的了解它为什么没有出现。

在将来,我会使用诸如Glenn Berry的信息诊断脚本这样的资源,这些脚本是预先写好的,并且工作得很好: https : //sqlserverperformance.wordpress.com/2014/09/17/sql-server-diagnostic-information-queries -用于日至2014 /