
我的系统:Windows 7 Ant版本:1.8.2 JDK:1.6.27 x64



ant -f fetch.xml -Ddest=system 


 jspc: [artifact:dependencies] Downloading: tomcat/jasper-compiler/4.1.36/jasper-compil er-4.1.36.pom [artifact:dependencies] [WARNING] Unable to get resource from repository remote ( [artifact:dependencies] Downloading: tomcat/jasper-compiler/4.1.36/jasper-compil er-4.1.36.pom [artifact:dependencies] [WARNING] Unable to get resource from repository central ( [artifact:dependencies] Downloading: tomcat/jasper-runtime/4.1.36/jasper-runtime -4.1.36.pom [artifact:dependencies] [WARNING] Unable to get resource from repository remote ( [artifact:dependencies] Downloading: tomcat/jasper-runtime/4.1.36/jasper-runtime -4.1.36.pom [artifact:dependencies] [WARNING] Unable to get resource from repository central ( jai: [artifact:dependencies] Downloading: javax/media/jai-core/1.1.3/jai-core-1.1.3.p om [artifact:dependencies] An error has occurred while processing the Maven artifac t tasks. [artifact:dependencies] Diagnosis: [artifact:dependencies] [artifact:dependencies] Unable to resolve artifact: Unable to get dependency inf ormation: Unable to read the metadata file for artifact ' r': Error getting POM for '' from the repository: Error tran sferring file [artifact:dependencies] [artifact:dependencies] [artifact:dependencies] from the specified remote repositories: [artifact:dependencies] remote (, [artifact:dependencies] central ( [artifact:dependencies] [artifact:dependencies] [artifact:dependencies] [artifact:dependencies] from the specified remote repositories: [artifact:dependencies] remote (, [artifact:dependencies] central ( [artifact:dependencies] Path to dependency: [artifact:dependencies] 1) unspecified:unspecified:jar:0.0 [artifact:dependencies] [artifact:dependencies] [artifact:dependencies] Server returned HTTP response code: 403 for URL: http:// [artifact:dependencies] BUILD FAILED D:\work\ant_182\fetch.xml:309: The following error occurred while executing this line: D:\work\ant_182\fetch.xml:116: Unable to resolve artifact: Unable to get depende ncy information: Unable to read the metadata file for artifact ' core:jar': Error getting POM for '' from the repository: Err or transferring file from the specified remote repositories: remote (, central ( from the specified remote repositories: remote (, central ( Path to dependency: 1) unspecified:unspecified:jar:0.0 Total time: 4 seconds 

我试图谷歌和不能find任何合适的解决scheme,除了jasper-runtime -4.1.36.pom不在仓库中可用。 任何人都可以指出如何解决这个问题吗?

我知道这是一个古老的问题,但对于那些寻求解决scheme的人来说,这个页面简洁地解释:[email protected]/bugzilla/%3E

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