mysql 5.0中的默认密码策略是什么?

mysql 5.0中的默认密码策略是什么?


一个默认的MySQL安装可以完全没有root用户的密码。 一些发行版(例如,通过apt安装mysql的debian)坚持使用root密码,但是没有强制执行复杂性规则。

有第三方插件来创build策略(例如securich ),但没有任何东西会强制在基本系统内的特定的复杂性或老化规则

shell$ mysql mysql> use mysql; mysql> SELECT Host, User, Password FROM user; +---------------+------+----------+ | Host | User | Password | +---------------+------+----------+ | localhost | root | | | your uname -n | root | | | | root | | | localhost | | | | your uname -n | | | +---------------+------+----------+ as you can see is quite clear that there is no password but it was said that some linux distribution will 'force' you to have a root password use mysqladmin to update the passwords 

强制root密码的发行版仅在安装时强制执行。 SET PASSWORD = PASSWORD('');