/ usr / sbin / CreateGroupFolder究竟做了什么?

除了在文件系统中创build文件夹并为它们设置正确的权限外,“ CreateGroupFolder ” 还能做什么吗?

编辑:是的,没有更多,没有什么。 正如Chealion所build议的那样,我用冗长的标志(doh!)运行它,得到:

sudo CreateGroupFolder -v Attempting to create group home directory for group 1026 at "/Groups/FooGroup". Created directory "/Groups/FooGroup/Documents" Created directory "/Groups/FooGroup/Library" Created directory "/Groups/FooGroup/Public" Created directory "/Groups/FooGroup/Public/Drop Box" Set ownership to user 1000, group 1026: "/Groups/FooGroup" and all sub-directories and files. Set permissions to rwxr-xr-x (755): "/Groups/FooGroup" Set permissions to rwxrwxr-x (775): "/Groups/FooGroup/Public" Set permissions to rwxr-x--- (750): "/Groups/FooGroup/Documents" Set permissions to rwxr-x--- (750): "/Groups/FooGroup/Library" Set permissions to rwx-w---- (730): "/Groups/FooGroup/Public/Drop Box" Successfully created group home directory for group 1026 at "/Groups/FooGroup". 


名称CreateGroupFolder – 创build并填充组目录。

大纲CreateGroupFolder [-q] [-v] [-f]


  A list of flags and their descriptions: -q Sets Quiet mode - suppress ouput to console Creates a set of default folders for use by groups on the local server with little console messages -v Sets Verbose mode - More ouput to console Creates group directories for groups defined in the local server with more console messages -f Force all missing folders to be re-created. Creates group directories for groups defined in a specific server even if they already exist All permissions and ownerships to be returned to defaults This option will also change the ownership and permissions on all files within the each group's folder hierarchy. Use this option with care 

文件/ usr / sbin / CreateGroupFolder工具的位置