在服务器2008 R2框中,我在名称空间中设置DFS文件夹文件夹,然后在DFS控制台的“复制”节点中手动将其设置为复制。
谷歌search我发现一个论坛上的post,似乎是在2003 R2服务器上出现类似的问题。 他被告知以下几点:
(链接到论坛post: http : //www.mombu.com/microsoft/windows-server-dfs-and-frs/t-r2-dfs-namespacereplication-and-administration-possible-bug-or-by-design- 362827.html )
"When a DFS Folder is configured to be replicated from the DFS Management UI or when a replicated folder is "published" to a DFS Namespace then the metadata for the replicated folder is tagged to show which DFS Namespace is it published in. It is this tag that the DFS Management tool searches when determining if a DFS Folder targets are replicated. If this tag does not exist then the UI does not know that the folder targets are being replicated. This is done mainly for performance reasons. Without this approach the UI would need to contact each individual folder target to determine its replication status before showing the folders in the UI. This would become extremely slow on any reasonably large DFS Namespace. Please see the following KB article which gives some additional details and resolution steps: http://support.microsoft.com/?id=911255"
上面的链接后,我试图禁用和启用文件夹目标和复制文件夹,但无济于事仍然报告“未configuration”。 我不想删除并重新创build此DFS文件夹。 如何获取DFS控制台的“DFS命名空间”节点中的复制选项卡以查看该文件夹是否正在复制?