
我从Lync Serverpipe理员那里得到了许多信息,用于创build可信应用程序,但是需要input应用程序联系人URI,我找不到这些信息。


Platform started... Establishing the endpoint... Application Endpoint established... Endpoint: Idle sip:[email protected] The Application endpoint is not currently in the Established state, exiting... 

这是基于UCMA sdk附带的可信应用程序示例。


在接下来的几天内,我无法与Lync Serverpipe理员取得联系! :(所以请帮助。


 < add key=”applicationName” value=”yourApplicationName”/ > < add key=”gruu” value=” < your trusted application's gruu you get it after creating the trusted application on powershell> ”/ > < add key=”listeningPort” value=” < your trusted application's listening port > ”/ > < add key=”contactUri” value=” < contact uri for your application which must be a free uri using it when creating the trusted application endpoint > ”/ > < add key=”proxyServerFqdn” value=” < CS server FQDN > ”/ >