Exchange Server 2013上的巨大mail.que文件

mail.que文件夹C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\TransportRoles\data\Queue上的一个巨大的mail.que文件的问题。




 1. Run “Get-Queue” and take a look at the count of messages in HUB01 2. Goto services.msc and Pause the Microsoft Exchange Transport service 3. Again, run “Get-Queue” and ensure all pending messages are “zeroed” out 4. Once messages pending becomes zero, stop the Transport service 5. Move the mail.que file and all others to a new folder in the same location 6. Start the Transport service 

我想知道这是否是正确的程序,因为链接上的信息似乎适用于Exchange 2010。


该过程也适用于Exchange 2013.以防万一这里也是Exchange 2013的链接: https : //在这篇文章中它也解释了如何将邮件移动到其他位置。