
想要比较3个DFS目录。 helios456为两个目录写了一个很好的脚本,我尝试修改以适应我的需要,但已经撞到一堵砖墙。 Winmerge,超越比较和diffmerge只做2。


$folder1 = "C:\Folder1" $folder2 = "C:\Folder2" # Get all files under $folder1, filter out directories $firstFolder = Get-ChildItem -Recurse $folder1 | Where-Object { -not $_.PsIsContainer } $failedCount = 0 $i = 0 $totalCount = $firstFolder.Count $firstFolder | ForEach-Object { $i = $i + 1 Write-Progress -Activity "Searching Files" -status "Searching File $i of $totalCount" -percentComplete ($i / $firstFolder.Count * 100) # Check if the file, from $folder1, exists with the same path under $folder2 If ( Test-Path ( $_.FullName.Replace($folder1, $folder2) ) ) { # Compare the contents of the two files... If ( Compare-Object (Get-Content $_.FullName) (Get-Content $_.FullName.Replace($folder1, $folder2) ) ) { # List the paths of the files containing diffs $fileSuffix = $_.FullName.TrimStart($folder1) $failedCount = $failedCount + 1 Write-Host "$fileSuffix is on each server, but does not match" } } else { $fileSuffix = $_.FullName.TrimStart($folder1) $failedCount = $failedCount + 1 Write-Host "$fileSuffix is only in folder 1" } } $secondFolder = Get-ChildItem -Recurse $folder2 | Where-Object { -not $_.PsIsContainer } $i = 0 $totalCount = $secondFolder.Count $secondFolder | ForEach-Object { $i = $i + 1 Write-Progress -Activity "Searching for files only on second folder" -status "Searching File $i of $totalCount" -percentComplete ($i / $secondFolder.Count * 100) # Check if the file, from $folder2, exists with the same path under $folder1 If (!(Test-Path($_.FullName.Replace($folder2, $folder1)))) { $fileSuffix = $_.FullName.TrimStart($folder2) $failedCount = $failedCount + 1 Write-Host "$fileSuffix is only in folder 2" } } 

您可以使用2013年发布的脚本Victor Vogelpoel(URL: http ://blog.victorvogelpoel.nl/2013/09/10/powershell-compare-directory-ps1/)。 您可以按照以下方式使用他的函数Compare-Directory来检查多个目录之间的差异:

 Compare-Directory -ReferenceDirectory "C:\Folder1" -DifferenceDirectory "C:\Folder2","C:\Folder3" 


 function global:Compare-Directory { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, position=0, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true, HelpMessage="The reference directory to compare one or more difference directories to.")] [System.IO.DirectoryInfo]$ReferenceDirectory, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, position=1, ValueFromPipeline=$true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true, HelpMessage="One or more directories to compare to the reference directory.")] [System.IO.DirectoryInfo[]]$DifferenceDirectory, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true, HelpMessage="Recurse the directories")] [switch]$Recurse, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true, HelpMessage="Files to exclude from the comparison")] [String[]]$ExcludeFile, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true, HelpMessage="Directories to exclude from the comparison")] [String[]]$ExcludeDirectory, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true, HelpMessage="Displays only the characteristics of compared objects that are equal.")] [switch]$ExcludeDifferent, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true, HelpMessage="Displays characteristics of files that are equal. By default, only characteristics that differ between the reference and difference files are displayed.")] [switch]$IncludeEqual, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true, HelpMessage="Passes the objects that differed to the pipeline.")] [switch]$PassThru ) begin { function Get-MD5 { [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess=$false)] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true, HelpMessage="file(s) to create hash for")] [Alias("File", "Path", "PSPath", "String")] [ValidateNotNull()] $InputObject ) begin { $cryptoServiceProvider = [System.Security.Cryptography.MD5CryptoServiceProvider] $hashAlgorithm = new-object $cryptoServiceProvider } process { $hashByteArray = "" $item = Get-Item $InputObject -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue if ($item -is [System.IO.DirectoryInfo]) { throw "Cannot create hash for directory" } if ($item) { $InputObject = $item } if ($InputObject -is [System.IO.FileInfo]) { $stream = $null; $hashByteArray = $null try { $stream = $InputObject.OpenRead(); $hashByteArray = $hashAlgorithm.ComputeHash($stream); } finally { if ($stream -ne $null) { $stream.Close(); } } } else { $utf8 = new-object -TypeName "System.Text.UTF8Encoding" $hashByteArray = $hashAlgorithm.ComputeHash($utf8.GetBytes($InputObject.ToString())); } Write-Output ([BitConverter]::ToString($hashByteArray)).Replace("-","") } } function Get-Files { [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess=$false)] param ( [string]$DirectoryPath, [String[]]$ExcludeFile, [String[]]$ExcludeDirectory, [switch]$Recurse ) $relativeBasenameIndex = $DirectoryPath.ToString().Length # Get the files from the first deploypath # and ADD the MD5 hash for the file as a property # and ADD a filepath relative to the deploypath as a property Get-ChildItem -Path $DirectoryPath -Exclude $ExcludeFile -Recurse:$Recurse | foreach { $hash = "" if (!$_.PSIsContainer) { $hash = Get-MD5 $_ } # Added two new properties to the DirectoryInfo/FileInfo objects $item = $_ | Add-Member -Name "MD5Hash" -MemberType NoteProperty -Value $hash -PassThru | Add-Member -Name "RelativeBaseName" -MemberType NoteProperty -Value ($_.FullName.Substring($relativeBasenameIndex)) -PassThru # Test for directories and files that need to be excluded because of ExcludeDirectory if ($item.PSIsContainer) { $item.RelativeBaseName += "\" } if ($ExcludeDirectory | where { $item.RelativeBaseName -like "\$_\*" }) { Write-Verbose "Ignore item `"$($item.Fullname)`"" } else { Write-Verbose "Adding `"$($item.Fullname)`" to result set" Write-Output $item } } } $referenceDirectoryFiles = Get-Files -DirectoryPath $referenceDirectory -ExcludeFile $ExcludeFile -ExcludeDirectory $ExcludeDirectory -Recurse:$Recurse } process { if ($DifferenceDirectory -and $referenceDirectoryFiles) { foreach($nextPath in $DifferenceDirectory) { $nextDifferenceFiles = Get-Files -DirectoryPath $nextpath -ExcludeFile $ExcludeFile -ExcludeDirectory $ExcludeDirectory -Recurse:$Recurse ################################################### # Compare the contents of the two file/directory arrays and return the results $results = @(Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $referenceDirectoryFiles -DifferenceObject $nextDifferenceFiles -ExcludeDifferent:$ExcludeDifferent -IncludeEqual:$IncludeEqual -PassThru:$PassThru -Property RelativeBaseName, MD5Hash) if (!$PassThru) { foreach ($result in $results) { $path = $ReferenceDirectory $pathFiles = $referenceDirectoryFiles if ($result.SideIndicator -eq "=>") { $path = $nextPath $pathFiles = $nextDifferenceFiles } # Find the original item in the files array $itemPath = (Join-Path $path $result.RelativeBaseName).ToString().TrimEnd('\') $item = $pathFiles | where { $_.fullName -eq $itemPath } $result | Add-Member -Name "Item" -MemberType NoteProperty -Value $item } } Write-Output $results } } } <# .SYNOPSIS Compares a reference directory with one or more difference directories. .DESCRIPTION Compare-Directory compares a reference directory with one ore more difference directories. Files and directories are compared both on filename and contents using a MD5hash. Internally, Compare-Object is used to compare the directories. The behavior and results of Compare-Directory is similar to Compare-Object. .PARAMETER ReferenceDirectory The reference directory to compare one or more difference directories to. .PARAMETER DifferenceDirectory One or more directories to compare to the reference directory. .PARAMETER Recurse Include subdirectories in the comparison. .PARAMETER ExcludeFile File names to exclude from the comparison. .PARAMETER ExcludeDirectory Directory names to exclude from the comparison. Directory names are relative to the Reference of Difference Directory path .PARAMETER ExcludeDifferent Displays only the characteristics of compared files that are equal. .PARAMETER IncludeEqual Displays characteristics of files that are equal. By default, only characteristics that differ between the reference and difference files are displayed. .PARAMETER PassThru Passes the objects that differed to the pipeline. By default, this cmdlet does not generate any output. .EXAMPLE Compare-Directory -reference "D:\TEMP\CompareTest\path1" -difference "D:\TEMP\CompareTest\path2" -ExcludeFile "web.config" -recurse Compares directories "D:\TEMP\CompareTest\path1" and "D:\TEMP\CompareTest\path2" recursively, excluding "web.config" Only differences are shown. Results: RelativeBaseName MD5Hash SideIndicator Item ---------------- ------- ------------- ---- bin\site.dll 87A1E6006C2655252042F16CBD7FB41B => D:\TEMP\CompareTest\path2\bin\site.dll index.html 02BB8A33E1094E547CA41B9E171A267B => D:\TEMP\CompareTest\path2\index.html index.html 20EE266D1B23BCA649FEC8385E5DA09D <= D:\TEMP\CompareTest\path1\index.html web_2.config 5E6B13B107ED7A921AEBF17F4F8FE7AF <= D:\TEMP\CompareTest\path1\web_2.config bin\site.dll 87A1E6006C2655252042F16CBD7FB41B => D:\TEMP\CompareTest\path2\bin\site.dll index.html 02BB8A33E1094E547CA41B9E171A267B => D:\TEMP\CompareTest\path2\index.html index.html 20EE266D1B23BCA649FEC8385E5DA09D <= D:\TEMP\CompareTest\path1\index.html web_2.config 5E6B13B107ED7A921AEBF17F4F8FE7AF <= D:\TEMP\CompareTest\path1\web_2.config .EXAMPLE Compare-Directory -reference "D:\TEMP\CompareTest\path1" -difference "D:\TEMP\CompareTest\path2" -ExcludeFile "web.config" -recurse -IncludeEqual Compares directories "D:\TEMP\CompareTest\path1" and "D:\TEMP\CompareTest\path2" recursively, excluding "web.config". Results include the items that are equal: RelativeBaseName MD5Hash SideIndicator Item ---------------- ------- ------------- ---- bin == D:\TEMP\CompareTest\path1\bin bin\site2.dll 98B68D681A8D40FA943D90588E94D1A9 == D:\TEMP\CompareTest\path1\bin\site2.dll bin\site3.dll 9408C4B29F82260CBBA528342CBAA80F == D:\TEMP\CompareTest\path1\bin\site3.dll bin\site4.dll 0616E1FBE12D468F611F07768D70C2EE == D:\TEMP\CompareTest\path1\bin\site4.dll ... bin\site8.dll 87A1E6006C2655252042F16CBD7FB41B => D:\TEMP\CompareTest\path2\bin\site8.dll index.html 02BB8A33E1094E547CA41B9E171A267B => D:\TEMP\CompareTest\path2\index.html index.html 20EE266D1B23BCA649FEC8385E5DA09D <= D:\TEMP\CompareTest\path1\index.html web_2.config 5E6B13B107ED7A921AEBF17F4F8FE7AF <= D:\TEMP\CompareTest\path1\web_2.config .EXAMPLE Compare-Directory -reference "D:\TEMP\CompareTest\path1" -difference "D:\TEMP\CompareTest\path2" -ExcludeFile "web.config" -recurse -ExcludeDifference Compares directories "D:\TEMP\CompareTest\path1" and "D:\TEMP\CompareTest\path2" recursively, excluding "web.config". Results only include the files that are equal; different files are excluded from the results. .EXAMPLE Compare-Directory -reference "D:\TEMP\CompareTest\path1" -difference "D:\TEMP\CompareTest\path2" -ExcludeFile "web.config" -recurse -Passthru Compares directories "D:\TEMP\CompareTest\path1" and "D:\TEMP\CompareTest\path2" recursively, excluding "web.config" and returns NO comparison results, but the different files themselves! FullName -------- D:\TEMP\CompareTest\path2\bin\site3.dll D:\TEMP\CompareTest\path2\index.html D:\TEMP\CompareTest\path1\index.html D:\TEMP\CompareTest\path1\web_2.config .LINK Compare-Object #> }