无法在SQL Server 2008上安装全文search

我试图用全文searchfunction升级我的SQL Server 2008。 在C:\ Program Files \ Microsoft SQL Server \ 100 \ Setup Bootstrap \ Log \ 20110318_105034 \ Detail.log中安装失败,

Slp: Error: Action "ConfigEvent_SQL_FullText_Adv_sql_fulltext_Cpu64_Install_ConfigNonRC_postmsi" failed during execution. Slp: Action "FulltextConfigAction_install_confignonrc_Cpu64" will return false due to the following conditions: Slp: Condition "Feature dependency condition for action: FulltextConfigAction_install_confignonrc_Cpu64 The condition tests feature: SQL_FullText_Adv_sql_fulltext_Cpu64. There are 3 dependant features. The feature is tested for results: ValidateResult, Result." did not pass as it returned false and true was expected. Slp: Condition is false because the required feature SQL_FullText_Core_Shared_sql_engine_core_shared_Cpu64 failed in result Result 

我也无法升级 SQL Server 2008中的全文索引。

唯一的工作是我卸载SQL服务器,然后我再次安装它分两个阶段: – 只安装全文索引 – 然后我安装了所有其他function


我有一个与32位版本类似的问题。 我尝试了几次安装相同的结果。 当我第三次尝试,而不是把服务帐户的用户名/密码,我把它留空,安装工作。 之后,我在控制面板小程序中更改了服务帐户。 不知道这是否有助于任何人,但如果有人有类似的问题,这是值得尝试之前,通过卸载和重新安装过程。