通过terminal的OS X WiFi设置?

我pipe理一大群的mac,他们都通过以太网连接。 我想禁用他们的无线networking,然后要求和pipe理员改变任何无线networking设置(几乎什么是下图所示) 在这里输入图像描述 由于我pipe理这么多,我想通过远程桌面pipe理器推出设置。 有没有这些设置的命令行? 我知道,closures无线networking是networksetup -setairportpower en1 off但我似乎无法find需要pipe理员权限的设置。


在Snow Leopard之前在/usr/sbinfind了它(因此可能已经存在于PATH中),



 sudo airport en1 prefs RequireAdmin=YES 

手册页实际上是空的,发行机场 – 帮助实际上给你更less的使用信息比发出命令没有任何争论。 后者给出以下解释:

 Usage: airport <interface> <verb> <options> <interface> If an interface is not specified, airport will use the first AirPort interface on the system. <verb is one of the following: prefs If specified with no key value pairs, displays a subset of AirPort preferences for the specified interface. Preferences may be configured using key=value syntax. Keys and possible values are specified below. Boolean settings may be configured using 'YES' and 'NO'. DisconnectOnLogout (Boolean) JoinMode (String) Automatic Preferred Ranked Recent Strongest JoinModeFallback (String) Prompt JoinOpen KeepLooking DoNothing RememberRecentNetworks (Boolean) RequireAdmin (Boolean) RequireAdminIBSS (Boolean) RequireAdminNetworkChange (Boolean) RequireAdminPowerToggle (Boolean) WoWEnabled (Boolean) logger Monitor the driver's logging facility. sniff If a channel number is specified, airportd will attempt to configure the interface to use that channel before it begins sniffing 802.11 frames. Captures files are saved to /tmp. Requires super user privileges. debug Enable debug logging. A debug log setting may be enabled by prefixing it with a '+', and disabled by prefixing it with a '-'. AirPort Userland Debug Flags DriverDiscovery DriverEvent Info SystemConfiguration UserEvent PreferredNetworks AutoJoin IPC Scan 802.1x Assoc Keychain RSNAuth WoW P2P Roam BTCoex AllUserland - Enable/Disable all userland debug flags AirPort Driver Common Flags DriverInfo DriverError DriverWPA DriverScan AllDriver - Enable/Disable all driver debug flags AirPort Driver Vendor Flags VendorAssoc VendorConnection AllVendor - Enable/Disable all vendor debug flags AirPort Global Flags LogFile - Save all AirPort logs to /var/log/wifi.log <options> is one of the following: No options currently defined. Examples: Configuring preferences (requires admin privileges) sudo airport en1 prefs JoinMode=Preferred RememberRecentNetworks=NO RequireAdmin=YES Sniffing on channel 1: airport en1 sniff 1 LEGACY COMMANDS: Supported arguments: -c[<arg>] --channel=[<arg>] Set arbitrary channel on the card -z --disassociate Disassociate from any network -I --getinfo Print current wireless status, eg signal info, BSSID, port type etc. -s[<arg>] --scan=[<arg>] Perform a wireless broadcast scan. Will perform a directed scan if the optional <arg> is provided -x --xml Print info as XML -P --psk Create PSK from specified pass phrase and SSID. The following additional arguments must be specified with this command: --password=<arg> Specify a WPA password --ssid=<arg> Specify SSID when creating a PSK -h --help Show this help