
我想知道是否可以通过命令提示符添加networking位置? 这不是一个可以使用net use命令实现的驱动器映射思维。

这里是一个脚本如何实现这个: 如何在网上邻居中创build一个快捷方式?


  • 将代码复制到记事本文件中
  • 单击文件菜单并select另存为
  • 将文件名用双引号包括扩展名(“)”Network Place Scrript.vbs“
  • 在文件types中select所有文件
  • 点击保存button


  C:\>PUSHD /? Stores the current directory for use by the POPD command, then changes to the specified directory. PUSHD [path | ..] path Specifies the directory to make the current directory. If Command Extensions are enabled the PUSHD command accepts network paths in addition to the normal drive letter and path. If a network path is specified, PUSHD will create a temporary drive letter that points to that specified network resource and then change the current drive and directory, using the newly defined drive letter. Temporary drive letters are allocated from Z: on down, using the first unused drive letter found. C:\> C:\> C:\>POPD /? Changes to the directory stored by the PUSHD command. POPD If Command Extensions are enabled the POPD command will delete any temporary drive letter created by PUSHD when you POPD that drive off the pushed directory stack. C:\>